
Head Q-Damper

Head Q-Damper

The Head-Q-Damper is made of a special graphite compound an inert material which cut across its chemical structure. The Head-Q-Damper can be used with tonearms to help reduce much of the distortion which is normally produced, from the cartridge's body, especially in the low and medium to low frequency ranges and, in turn, it can help restore to the sound much of its original trasparency and clarity. The Head Q-Damper is extremely successful with any cartridge arm combination. Many users have found that the effect is equivalent to a very expensive arm upgrade.

Q-Damper Feet

Q-Damper Feet

Like all mechanical components, those that make up a hi-fi system produce a great deal of vibration. Turntables, CD Players, pre-reach the original musical signal undo, in turn, distort it often to a quite considerable degree. Unfortunately, it is impossible to eliminate this vibration, but with the help of the right accessory it can be greatly reduced. The "Q-DAMPER" is made of a special graphite compound an inert material which cut vibrations across its chemical structure. The "Q-DAMPER L.E" can be used with hi-fi components to help reduce much of the distortion which is normally produced, especially in the low and medium to low frequency ranges and, in turn, it can help restore to the sound much of its original transparency and clarity.They are especially effective used under CD and Analogue source equipment and Speakers. As with all A.R.T. products, the effect is increased the more they are used throughout the system, to be able to preventing external vibrations from feeding into components and loudspeakers, and preventing internal vibrations from affecting critical source performance.

CD mat Q-Damper

CD mat Q-Damper

Like all mechanical components, those that make up a hi-fi system produce a great deal of vibration. Turntables, CD Players, pre-reach the original musical signal undo, in turn, distort it often to a quite considerable degree. Unfortunately, it is impossible to eliminate this vibration, but with the help of the right accessory it can be greatly reduced. The "Q-DAMPER" is made of a special graphite compound an inert material which cut vibrations across its chemical structure. The "Q-DAMPER L.E" can be used with hi-fi components to help reduce much of the distortion which is normally produced, especially in the low and medium to low frequency ranges and, in turn, it can help restore to the sound much of its original transparency and clarity.They are especially effective used under CD and Analogue source equipment and Speakers. As with all A.R.T. products, the effect is increased the more they are used throughout the system, to be able to preventing external vibrations from feeding into components and loudspeakers, and preventing internal vibrations from affecting critical source performance.

TR-30 Squalan Oil

TR-30 Squalan Oil

ART TR-30 SQUALAN OIL is a natural colourless oil, electrolitically purified and stable, non-conductive and endowed with a very high penetration capacity, in addition to being an excellent cleaning agent of LPs and contacts and possessing anti-oxidizing properties, is also an exceptional long-lasting lubricant. In fact TR-30 SQUALAN OIL is a wonderful all-round contact cleaner and preserver. But its main use is for treatment of analogue records. TR-30 is probably the best lubricant available. Due to its very small molecular structure, TR-30 penetrates vinyl and brings back the natural quality of older or alcohol-cleaned records by replacing the original lubricant, which migrates out very quickly. Further, TR-30's lubrication properties are such that groove-tracing becomes much easier for the stylus. Local' hot-spots' on the stylus are greatly reduced, therefore reducing both record and stylus wear. ART TR-30 SQUALAN OIL, considerably lengthens the life of your LPs Used on old LPs, it replaces the original lubricant which has been lost over a period of time (owing to wear and removal by commonly used alcohol or chemical based cleaning products and accessories). Used on new LPs it replaces this with far longer lasting lubricant properties (from 1 year under extreme conditions to 3 years) ART TR-30 SQUALAN OIL, improves the smoothness of the vinyl by reducing disturbance due to existing scratches and protecting it from new ones, plus it increases the tracking of the head without having any negative effects either on this or on the stylus; the result will be to obtain from your LPs a clearer and more detailed sound and a more focalised image. ART TR-30 SQUALAN OIL, if used on contacts, thanks to its particular molecular structure, penetrates the microscopic holes in the metal and forms a thin film which prevents oxidization and protects against wear, preventing damage. ART TR-30 SQUALAN OIL, may be used on all electrical contact, both AC and DC, on valve pins, on wiring terminals, banana plugs, forks, RCA pins, etc.

Q-151 CD Coating Oil

Q-151 CD Coating Oil

ART Q-151 CD COATING OIL is a special natural, colourless, ultrapurified oil made up of extremeiy minute molecules, endowed with an incredibile capacity for penetration and a very high light permeability. Moreover, being electromagnetically purified, it does not give rise to any prismatic effect and does not attack the poiycarbonate of the CD. ART Q-151 CD COATING 0IL is not only an excellent cleaning product, but a definitive treatment for your CDs which improves their characteristics and enhances their performance. Since Compact Disc systems were conceived, using optical laser rays, the main deteriorating factors in ideai sound reproduction have been the irregular reflection of the optical ray on the bottom surface of the disc,caused not only by dust but also by production defects and irregularities in the Material. The polycarbonate from which CDs are made in fact has a very high light permeability coefficient, but in spite of this a small percentage of the optical ray is also diffracted, causing-reading errors and false-signals with unfortunate effects on musical reproduction. In addition to cleaning the surface of the CD, ARTQ-151 COATING OIL penetrates into the micropores of the poiycarbonate and forms a thin film on the surface of the disc, improving its characteristic of transparency and light permeability to an amazing degree. More by applying ART Q-151 COATING OIL, diffraction and the occurrence of dispersed optical signals are reduced considerably and focalization of the signal by the Laser is facilitated, giving the sound reproduction exceptional accuracy and definition, a clearer and more defined sound, a broader frequency response and a more focalized, detailed image.



A.R.T. Q-RING is a special ferrite ring with the addition of insulating materials, capable of achieving considerable reduction of the interferences and disturbances caused by ultra high frequencies and electromagnetic waves (DIGITAL PULSES AND MAGNETIC PULSES). The former are generated above all by the digital circuitry of CD players and converters; the latter by the transformers, capacitors and diodes found in many types of equipment. These disturbances are not always measurable, often being so weak as to seem negligible. But the PVC sheath which normally protects all types of cables (power cords, signal cables and speaker wires) can make them into true antennas, capable of picking up even the weakest emanations.And these can travel along the cable surfaces from one component to another of the system, causing interference with the electronic components, provoking disturbances and seriously deteriorating the signal. A.R.T. Q-RING works like a small isolation transformer, and it is without doubt the most economical system available for screening and absorbing these types of interferences and blocking their transmission along cables

Head Q-Damper

Head Q-Damper

The Head-Q-Damper is made of a special graphite compound an inert material which cut across its chemical structure. The Head-Q-Damper can be used with tonearms to help reduce much of the distortion which is normally produced, from the cartridge's body, especially in the low and medium to low frequency ranges and, in turn, it can help restore to the sound much of its original trasparency and clarity. The Head Q-Damper is extremely successful with any cartridge arm combination. Many users have found that the effect is equivalent to a very expensive arm upgrade.

Q-Damper Feet

Q-Damper Feet

Like all mechanical components, those that make up a hi-fi system produce a great deal of vibration. Turntables, CD Players, pre-reach the original musical signal undo, in turn, distort it often to a quite considerable degree. Unfortunately, it is impossible to eliminate this vibration, but with the help of the right accessory it can be greatly reduced. The "Q-DAMPER" is made of a special graphite compound an inert material which cut vibrations across its chemical structure. The "Q-DAMPER L.E" can be used with hi-fi components to help reduce much of the distortion which is normally produced, especially in the low and medium to low frequency ranges and, in turn, it can help restore to the sound much of its original transparency and clarity.They are especially effective used under CD and Analogue source equipment and Speakers. As with all A.R.T. products, the effect is increased the more they are used throughout the system, to be able to preventing external vibrations from feeding into components and loudspeakers, and preventing internal vibrations from affecting critical source performance.

CD mat Q-Damper

CD mat Q-Damper

Like all mechanical components, those that make up a hi-fi system produce a great deal of vibration. Turntables, CD Players, pre-reach the original musical signal undo, in turn, distort it often to a quite considerable degree. Unfortunately, it is impossible to eliminate this vibration, but with the help of the right accessory it can be greatly reduced. The "Q-DAMPER" is made of a special graphite compound an inert material which cut vibrations across its chemical structure. The "Q-DAMPER L.E" can be used with hi-fi components to help reduce much of the distortion which is normally produced, especially in the low and medium to low frequency ranges and, in turn, it can help restore to the sound much of its original transparency and clarity.They are especially effective used under CD and Analogue source equipment and Speakers. As with all A.R.T. products, the effect is increased the more they are used throughout the system, to be able to preventing external vibrations from feeding into components and loudspeakers, and preventing internal vibrations from affecting critical source performance.

TR-30 Squalan Oil

TR-30 Squalan Oil

ART TR-30 SQUALAN OIL is a natural colourless oil, electrolitically purified and stable, non-conductive and endowed with a very high penetration capacity, in addition to being an excellent cleaning agent of LPs and contacts and possessing anti-oxidizing properties, is also an exceptional long-lasting lubricant. In fact TR-30 SQUALAN OIL is a wonderful all-round contact cleaner and preserver. But its main use is for treatment of analogue records. TR-30 is probably the best lubricant available. Due to its very small molecular structure, TR-30 penetrates vinyl and brings back the natural quality of older or alcohol-cleaned records by replacing the original lubricant, which migrates out very quickly. Further, TR-30's lubrication properties are such that groove-tracing becomes much easier for the stylus. Local' hot-spots' on the stylus are greatly reduced, therefore reducing both record and stylus wear. ART TR-30 SQUALAN OIL, considerably lengthens the life of your LPs Used on old LPs, it replaces the original lubricant which has been lost over a period of time (owing to wear and removal by commonly used alcohol or chemical based cleaning products and accessories). Used on new LPs it replaces this with far longer lasting lubricant properties (from 1 year under extreme conditions to 3 years) ART TR-30 SQUALAN OIL, improves the smoothness of the vinyl by reducing disturbance due to existing scratches and protecting it from new ones, plus it increases the tracking of the head without having any negative effects either on this or on the stylus; the result will be to obtain from your LPs a clearer and more detailed sound and a more focalised image. ART TR-30 SQUALAN OIL, if used on contacts, thanks to its particular molecular structure, penetrates the microscopic holes in the metal and forms a thin film which prevents oxidization and protects against wear, preventing damage. ART TR-30 SQUALAN OIL, may be used on all electrical contact, both AC and DC, on valve pins, on wiring terminals, banana plugs, forks, RCA pins, etc.

Q-151 CD Coating Oil

Q-151 CD Coating Oil

ART Q-151 CD COATING OIL is a special natural, colourless, ultrapurified oil made up of extremeiy minute molecules, endowed with an incredibile capacity for penetration and a very high light permeability. Moreover, being electromagnetically purified, it does not give rise to any prismatic effect and does not attack the poiycarbonate of the CD. ART Q-151 CD COATING 0IL is not only an excellent cleaning product, but a definitive treatment for your CDs which improves their characteristics and enhances their performance. Since Compact Disc systems were conceived, using optical laser rays, the main deteriorating factors in ideai sound reproduction have been the irregular reflection of the optical ray on the bottom surface of the disc,caused not only by dust but also by production defects and irregularities in the Material. The polycarbonate from which CDs are made in fact has a very high light permeability coefficient, but in spite of this a small percentage of the optical ray is also diffracted, causing-reading errors and false-signals with unfortunate effects on musical reproduction. In addition to cleaning the surface of the CD, ARTQ-151 COATING OIL penetrates into the micropores of the poiycarbonate and forms a thin film on the surface of the disc, improving its characteristic of transparency and light permeability to an amazing degree. More by applying ART Q-151 COATING OIL, diffraction and the occurrence of dispersed optical signals are reduced considerably and focalization of the signal by the Laser is facilitated, giving the sound reproduction exceptional accuracy and definition, a clearer and more defined sound, a broader frequency response and a more focalized, detailed image.



A.R.T. Q-RING is a special ferrite ring with the addition of insulating materials, capable of achieving considerable reduction of the interferences and disturbances caused by ultra high frequencies and electromagnetic waves (DIGITAL PULSES AND MAGNETIC PULSES). The former are generated above all by the digital circuitry of CD players and converters; the latter by the transformers, capacitors and diodes found in many types of equipment. These disturbances are not always measurable, often being so weak as to seem negligible. But the PVC sheath which normally protects all types of cables (power cords, signal cables and speaker wires) can make them into true antennas, capable of picking up even the weakest emanations.And these can travel along the cable surfaces from one component to another of the system, causing interference with the electronic components, provoking disturbances and seriously deteriorating the signal. A.R.T. Q-RING works like a small isolation transformer, and it is without doubt the most economical system available for screening and absorbing these types of interferences and blocking their transmission along cables